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Rising Concern For Ransomware Attacks – Global Report

Peter Smith - November 21, 2022

“Among all security incidents, ransomware attacks remain the #1 security concern. Consequently, forecasts damages to surpass $30 billion by 2023”. Day by day, the world becomes increasingly digital and data-dependent.

How to Boost Cybersecurity in Fintech and Banking

Peter Smith - October 19, 2022

Nowadays, the trending topic is how to boost cybersecurity in fintech and banking. The reason is straight & simple cybercrimes in the first quarter of the year 2022 have increased

Cloud Optimization Explained: Definition, Importance, and Best Practises

Peter Smith - October 20, 2021

Organizations that are new to cloud computing or already working on it for a while generally face financial issues. Sometimes for organizations, it is difficult to understand what’s exactly going

Cloud Infrastructure Explained: Examples, Importance, and Practices

Peter Smith - October 19, 2021

To attain flexible cloud infrastructure, the business organization prefers to opt for cloud computing over traditional infrastructure. Because in the cloud, the organization doesn’t need to manage and invest highly

Cloud Scalability Illustrated: Its Types, Benefits and More

Peter Smith - October 18, 2021

Scalability of cloud environment is one of the biggest benefits of opting for cloud computing over an on-premise environment – but what is cloud scalability in cloud computing? It’s important

What is Digital Transformation?

Peter Smith - September 10, 2021

Digital Transformation is an innovation of new technology and ideas. It basically represents a new modern technology that can transform the existing business products or services including new innovative services.

Top 8 Cloud Security Measures That Every Company Should Follow

Peter Smith - September 7, 2021

Cloud security is the procedures and technology for the protection of data, applications, and infrastructures of the cloud computing environment against cyber threats. For cloud environments, most security aspects are

What is Cloud Computing & Its Benefits?

Peter Smith - August 31, 2021

Cloud Computing is the delivery of high demanding resources such as databases, servers, data storage, networking, and different types of software over the Internet (the Cloud). This is one of